Saturday, June 20, 2015

Two new WIPS

I posted two new photos in my last post, and I am going to post two more wips here.  If you don't like spoiler, then avoid this blog.  A bunch of these are ideas that I had about a year ago, I felt that minor factions needed a little love in Pendor.  Some of them, could be beefed up a bit and take a more middling role.  Maybe if the armor they drop is a little nicer, they might get some stat love, or people will track them down like Pokemon.  Points if you can guess the factions for the four armors that I have been posting.


Ps. These are all WIPS.

1 comment:

  1. Man, I think you need to put POP 4.0 on Kickstarter. It is so good that you can easily get funded IMHO.

    Don't ask - don't get, you know.
